Current reports

Current reports

Current reports

Current report no. 24/2016

Fulfillment of the condition precedent of a material agreement


Legal basis:

Art. 56 section 1 point 2 of the Public Offering Act - Current and periodic information


Contents of the report:

In reference to the current report no. 15/2016 of 26 April 2016, on Conclusion of agreement between Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin S.A. („Company”) and PAK-Serwis Sp. z o.o. (a subsidiary of the Company) on repair and service of machinery (“Agreement”), which was conditioned by approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company. The Company informs that on 13 June 2016 the Supervisory Board of the Company approved the signing of the Agreement. The provisions of the Agreement shall enter into force on the date of approval.


The subject of the agreement is services provided by PAK Serwis SP. z o.o. for the Company aimed at maintenance of the equipment used to generate electricity in optimal technical condition, in particular allowing keeping operational and technical parameters and proper availability and security of immediate access to repair services in the event of a failure.


Legal basis: § 5 section 1 item 4 and § 10 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 19 February 2009 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent.


Signatures of persons representing the company:

Aleksander Grad - President of the Management Board

Adrian Kaźmierczak - Vice President of the Management Board
