Current reports

Current reports

Current reports

Current report no. 30/2015

Correction of the consolidated periodic report for the III quarter of 2015


Legal basis:

Art. 56 section 1 point 2 of the Public Offering Act - Current and periodic information


Contents of the report:

Zespół Elektrowni “Pątnów-Adamów-Konin" S.A. ("the Company") informs that in consolidated periodic report for the III quarter of 2015 published on 13 November, there were inappropriate numbers considering four items in costs by type (ie. Cost of CO2 emission, employ benefits, other costs by type and the value of sold goods and materials and sold electricity purchased from the market) in 9 months period and 3 months period ended 30 September 2015.


In the periodic report there were presented accordingly for the 9 months period and 3 months period ended 30 September 2015:

  • costs of CO2 emission: 265 463 PLN thousand and 107 007 PLN thousand;
  • employ benefits: 395 388 PLN thousand and 94 522 PLN thousand;
  • other costs by type: 29 765 PLN thousand and 6 797 PLN thousand;
  • value of sold goods and materials and sold electricity purchased from the market: 675 377 PLN thousand and 252 613 PLN thousand.

In the periodic report shoul be accordingly for the 9 months period and 3 months period ended 30 September 2015.

  • costs of CO2 emission: 232 512 PLN thousand and 74 056 PLN thousand;
  • employ benefits: 427 715 PLN thousand and 126 849 PLN thousand;
  • other costs by type: 30 354 PLN thousand and 7 386 PLN thousand;
  • value of sold goods and materials and sold electricity purchased from the market: 675 412 PLN thousand and 252 648 PLN thousand.

Above mentioned errors have arisen in Interim condensed consolidated financial statement for the 9 months period ended 30 September 2015 in note 12.6 on page 24 and in Additional information for expanded consolidated report for III quarter 2015 in table 4 on pages 11 and 12.


The correction concerns the structure of the costs by type and do not influence on any item in Profit and Loss Account.


Publication of consolidated periodical report for III quarter of 2015 with the correct numbers will take place today.


Legal basis: § 6 section 4 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 19 February 2009 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent.


Signatures of persons representing the company:

Adrian Kaźmierczak – Vice President of the Management Board

Zygmunt Artwik – Vice President of the Management Board
