Current reports

Current reports

Current reports

Current report no. 10/2013

Appointment of Members of the Supervisory Board of ZE PAK S.A.


Legal basis:

Art. 56 section 1 point 2 of the Public Offering Act - Current and periodic information


Contents of the report:

Zespół Elektrowni "Pątnów-Adamów-Konin" S.A. ("the Company") informs that, on 22 March 2013, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company appointed Mr. Ludwik Sobolewski, Mr. Wiesław Walendziak and Mr. Tomasz Zadroga to the Supervisory Board. The resolutions on appointment came into force upon their adoption.


Mr. Ludwik Sobolewski and Mr. Wiesław Walendziak submitted to the Company statements on fulfilling the criteria of independce for an independent member of the Supervisory Board, as defined by the Commission Recommendation of 15 February 2005 on the role of non-executive directors or supervisory directors of listed companies and on the committees of the (supervisory) board (2005/162/EC), including the Code of Best Practice of WSE Listed Companies. Mr. Wiesław Walendziak submitted also a statement on fulfilling the terms of independence required for a member of the audit committee referred to in the Act of 7 May 2009 on chartered auditors and their professional organization, entities authorized to audit financial statements and on public supervision (Journal of Laws No. 77 item 649 as amended) and having qualifications in the field of accounting or financial review.


Additional information concerning the persons appointed to the Supervisory Board can be found in the appendix to this report.


Legal basis: § 5 section 1 item 22 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 19 February 2009 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent.


Signatures of persons representing the company:

Katarzyna Muszkat - President of the Management Board

Anna Striżyk – Vice President of the Management Board

