Current reports

Current reports

Current reports

Current report no. 22/2021

Environmental decision for the hydrogen plant 


Legal basis:

Art. 17 item 1 MAR – inside information


Contents of the report:

Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin SA („Company”) informs that on July 21, 2021 the Company received a Decision on environmental conditions for the project consisting in the construction of a hydrogen production plant with accompanying infrastructure at Konin Power Plant.


The hydrogen production plant at Konin Power Plant is to be built on the basis of electrolysers with an electrolyte-polymer membrane ("PEM" technology). The first electrolyser has already been ordered by the Company and its delivery is expected at the turn of 2021/2022. Electricity used to operate the electrolyser will come 100% from a renewable energy source. Hydrogen produced by electrolysers will be compressed by a system of compressors to a pressure of 300 - 450 bar and continuously pumped to vehicles transporting hydrogen. Specially selected compressors will be able to directly supply hydrogen refuelling stations.


The plant will be constructed in modular (container) technology, which allows for its relatively simple expansion. The ordered electrolyser for the first stage of the task will have a capacity of 2.5 MW, which will allow for the maximum production of 1000 kg of hydrogen per day. In the event of a need for expansion, the granted environmental decision gives the possibility to increase the production of hydrogen to 20,000 kg per day. Water for the production of hydrogen will be supplied from the existing DEMI station in the power plant.


Signatures of persons representing the Company:

Piotr Woźny – President of the Management Board

Maciej Nietopiel – Vice President of the Management Board
