Current reports

Current reports

Current reports

Current report no. 64/2020

List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin SA on 9 December 2020


Legal basis:

Art. 70 item 3 of the Act on Public Offering – GMS list above 5%


Contents of the report:

Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin SA („Company”) announces that the shareholders who were present at the Extraordinary General Meeting („EGM of the Company”), commenced on 9 December 2020 held 37 397 318.


The shareholders who held at least 5% of votes of the EGM of the Company were the following:

- ARGUMENOL INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED holding 33 523 911 votes, which represented 89.64% of the votes at the EGM of the Company and 65.96% of the total number of votes;

- OTWARTY FUNDUSZ EMERYTALNY PZU "ZŁOTA JESIEŃ" holding 3 840 000 votes, which represented 10.27% of the votes at the EGM of the Company and 7.56% of the total number of votes;


The total number of shares issued by the Company and total number of votes conferred by the shares is 50 823 547.


Legal basis: Article 70 point 3 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies.


Signatures of persons representing the Company:

Piotr Woźny – President of the Management Board

Maciej Nietopiel – Vice President of the Management Board
