PKOBP coverage for ZE PAK PKOBP analysts decreased recommendation for ZE PAK shares from "hold" to "sell", increasing at the same time target price to 30,1 PLN from 25,5 PLN previously. 07.11.2014 more
Erste coverage for ZE PAK SA Erste Group started coverage for ZE PAK shares from the "buy" recommendation with target price at 37.7 PLN 20.10.2014 more
Citi coverage for ZE PAK SA Citigroup started coverage for ZE PAK shares from the "neutral" rating with target price at 30.0 PLN 26.08.2014 more
Increase of ZE PAK shares recommendation from UniCredit UniCredit analysts increased recommendation for ZE PAK shares from "hold" to "buy", increasing at the same time target price to 33,0 PLN from 25,4 PLN previously. 13.08.2014 more
Increase of ZE PAK shares recommendation from ING ING analysts increased recommendation for ZE PAK shares from "hold" to "buy", increasing at the same time target price to 30,0 PLN from 26,0 PLN previously. 15.07.2014 more
Dividend from the profit for 2013 Ordinary General Meeting of 25th June 2014 adopted the resolution on distribution of the net profit for 2013 in amount of PLN 231 856 798.62 in following way: amount of PLN 34.560.011,96 allocate for a dividend for shareholders, which means that dividend per share is PLN 0.68 ; amount of PLN 197 296 786.66 allocate for the reserve capital. 25.06.2014 more
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders The Board of Directors of Zespół Elektrowni "Pątnów-Adamów-Konin" S.A. convened Ordinary General Meeting 28.05.2014 more
Personal changes in the bodies of PAK KWB Konin and PAK KWB Adamów On 15 May 2014, the meetings of Supervisory Boards of the companies PAK Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego S.A. and PAK Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Adamów S.A. were held. 16.05.2014 more
Decrease of ZE PAK shares recommendation from UniCredit UniCredit analysts decreased recommendation for ZE PAK shares from "buy" to "hold", reducing at the same time target price to 25,4 PLN from 35,7 PLN previously. 10.04.2014 more
Credit for the modernisation of the Pątnów I Power Plant Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów-Adamów-Konin S.A. on 13th March 2014 r. signed credit agreement with consortium of banks for a total amount of 1,2 billion zloty 13.03.2014 more