


Local referendum on Dęby Szlacheckie open pit

On 21 June 2015 in Babiak local region a referendum was held in a case of concerning the expression of public opinion for establishing in Babiak region a lignite mine – Dęby Szlacheckie open pit. Investor interested in extraction of lignite from Dęby Szlacheckie open pit is PAK Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Konin SA (further „PAK KWB Konin”). The content of the referendum question was as follows: „Are you Mr./Mrs. for construction of lignite mine on territory of Babiak region based on „Deby Szlacheckie” field ?”


Most eligible participants in the referendum voted against the construction of the mine. The attendance in the referendum was 42.98%, which means that the referendum is valid.


Despite of negative outcome of referendum PAK KWB Konin is still interested in exploitation of Dęby szlacheckie deposit and does not suspend its activities aimed at obtaining necessary decisions. After completion of all works focused on assesment of open pit full impact on environment PAK KWB Konin will continue a dialogue with local socjety. We believe that many years of positive mine cooperation with residents and local authorities in the areas covered by previous mining activity will allow for successful conclusion to proceeding processes aimed at starting with Dęby Szlacheckie open pit, while obtaining approval of local population for activities of mine.
